Thanks to our Outreach Sponsors:

Click HERE to use your zip code to Search for these Resources:
Many thanks to our founding partner Prince William County Government for their steadfast support of the work we do in service to the Human Service Providers of PWC
Click HERE for ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act)-funded Resources.
Virginia Mortgage Relief Program. www.virginiamortgagerelief.com
Rent Relief Application. Gov2Go (getgov2go.com)
Affordable Housing. www.Virginiahousingsearch.com.
Consumer Protection Bureau (CFPB). Find a housing counselor. https://www.consumerfinance.gov
Center for Assistance to Families. https://mycaf.org. 6231 Leesburg Pike, Suite 410, Falls Church, VA 22044
First Home Alliance. https://firsthomealliance.org. 3138 Golansky Blvd, Suite 202, Woodbridge, VA 22192. (703) 580-8838
Family Financial Management | Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech. https://ext.vt.edu/family/financial-management.html. 8033 Ashton Avenue, Suite 105, Manassas, VA 20109-8202. Main Office: (703) 792-4371
Benefits. https://benefits.gov
Find Help – Social network. https://www.findhelp.org
211 Virginia. 2-1-1 Virginia (211virginia.org). https://www.211.org
Local Navigator. https://virginianavigator.org
NVFS. Chantey Handy - (571) 462-7205/(571 )447-1117, chandy@nvfs.org. https://www.nvfs.org/our-services/homelessness-housing/. 10056 Dean Dr., Manassas, VA 20110. (571) 748-2600. Emergency shelter, food, rental, energy, dental, pharmacy, and childhood development.
Action in Community Through Service (ACTS). https://www.actspwc.org/. 3900 ACTS Lane, Dumfries, VA 22026.
St. Vincent DePaul. All Saints Catholic Church. 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110. Phone: (703) 368-2429
Lion's Club. (703) 392-0077
The Manassas Bible Church. 8624 Phoenix Drive, Manassas Park, VA 20111. www.manassasparkbible.org. Pastor: Michael Rogers and Michelle Rogers. Emails: mpbchurchpastor@gmail.com and mpbchurchfirstlady@gmail.com. Contact Phone: (571) 263-3251. Christmas Gifts- PWC ADC (Good News) Branch of Love. Emergency Assistance: Food Pantry, Bill Payment Assistance (Gas, Rent, Electric), and Assistance with emergency shelter (references).
WIC & Women's Clinic. Phone: (703) 792-7319
Vital Records. 8470 Kao Circle. Manassas Park, VA 20110. Phone: (703) 792-7327. Fax: (703) 257-5138.
HireGround. Professional skills training, job placement and employment support. To learn more, call 1-866-212-0743 or visit www.hiregroundworks.com.
Edu-Futuro – Provides employment support and navigation services, application counseling and referrals for rent, mortgage and public benefits assistance. To learn more, visit www.edu-futuro.org, email info@edu-futuro.org or use Whatsapp at 571-309-5455.
St. Thomas United Methodist Church. Provides financial assistance to Prince William County residents; a clothing closet with in-demand work clothes and diapers in support of employment and childcare access; and food distribution. Food pantry hours are from 9 - 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays, and Wednesdays from 5 - 7 p.m. starting May 25. The Clothing Closet is open the 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month during Food Pantry distribution. For financial assistance, call 703-368-5161 during business hours to make an appointment.
Entrepreneurship. https://savedhandsfoundation.org/. (571) 406-5112
Elevate Program. https://vcwnorthern.com/elevate/. caresjobs@vcwnorthern.com
Training Futures/NFVS. https://www.nvfs.org/our-services/workforce-development/training-futures/.. 10056 Dean Dr., Manassas, VA 20110. (571) 748-2600
Business Mentors. https://www.score.org/. 1165 Herndon Parkway, Suite 100, Herndon, VA 20170.
www.commonhelp.virginia.gov – Energy Assistance Program
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/623
Home Internet connectivity. https://www.peopleinc.net/service/internet-connectivity-program/. 9324 West Street, Manassas, VA 20110. info@peopleinc.net
Virginia Department of Social Services. https://www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/ea/
New Creatures-In-Christ Ministries, Inc. – Provides utility assistance; emergency shelter at extended stay hotels; navigation services, application counseling and referrals for rent, mortgage and public benefits assistance; and food distribution. Schedule an appointment to determine eligibility at 571-408-9526 or 202-981-1470 or visit www.helpingothersthrivepwc.net or visit the office for in-person services at 4213 Dale Blvd., Dale City VA 22193.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Triangle – Provides utility assistance with water, heat, gas and electricity. To learn more, call 703-221-6344 or visit www.stfrncis.org/st-francis-house.
Woodbridge Workers Committee – Provides utility assistance to families and individuals impacted by COVID-19. To learn more, call or text Nancy at 703-969-0197 or email lyallna@comcast.net.
St. Thomas United Methodist Church – Provides financial assistance to Prince William County residents; a clothing closet with in-demand work clothes and diapers in support of employment and childcare access; and food distribution. Food pantry hours are from 9 - 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays, and Wednesdays from 5 - 7 p.m. starting May 25. The Clothing Closet is open the 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month during Food Pantry distribution. For financial assistance, call 703-368-5161 during business hours to make an appointment.
Applying for Cash, Food and Medical Assistance through Virginia DSS
Food Helpline (call to be connected with food resources in Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park)
Prince William Area Food Resource Guide (interactive resource listing with map feature to help identify resources by location)
Capital Area Food Bank's Food Distribution Sites
Book Rich Environments. Book Rich Environments - National Book Foundation
PARENTING CLASSES. Phone: (703) 792-6288. www.pwcgov.org
PARENTING CLASSES. Parenting Classes for All Ages (pwcva.gov).
Developmental delays up to age 3. Manassas. Phone: (703) 792-7752. HEALTHY FAMILY/ EARLY HEAD START. Positive growth and development from birth to age 5. Phone: (571) 748-2780.
Child Find. Child with delays ages 2-5.
Manassas Park City Schools. (703) 335-8861
Manassas City Schools. (703) 257-8687
Prince William County Schools. (703) 791-8857
Head Start Program. Preschool for low income. 3-4 year olds. Phone: (703) 791-8708
Prince William. 13370 Minnieville Rd., Woodbridge, VA 22192. Phone: (703) 897-0407. Fax: (703) 897-0440. Marjorie Clift-Bowman, Manager. Service Areas: Loudoun County, Manassas City, Prince William County , Manassas Park.
Social Security Administration. 9504 Center St., Manassas, VA 20110. Phone: (800) 772-1213. Fax: (703) 368-4050
COMMUNITY SERVICE (Formally known as CSB)
Manassas. Phone: (703) 792-7800. Se habla espanol.
Woodbridge. (703) 792-4900. (703) 792-5099
Manassas Clinic. 9301 Lee Avenue, Manassas, VA 20110.. Phone: (703) 792-6300. Fax: (703) 792-6338
Health Department. 4001 Prince William Parkway, Suite 101, Woodbridge, VA 22193. Phone: (703) 792-7300
Prince William Free Clinic.13900 Churchill Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22191. Phone: (703) 499-9034. Dental: (703) 792-7321
UVA HOSPITAL. Phone: (800) 251-3627
Manassas. 99 Tremont St, Manassas Park, VA 20111. Phone: (703) 993-5880. Website: mapclinic.gmu.edu . Every Tuesday 8AM to 12PM
Springfield. 77224 Commerce St., Springfield, VA 22150. Phone: (703) 993-5880. Website: mapclinic.gmu.edu. Every Wednesday 9am-12pm
NAMI PWC Helpline- Referral & Resource Support P: 703-659-9983. https://nami-pw.org/
Trillium Center, Inc. Peer Support Warmline. 703-763-3865. contact@trilliumcenterinc.org
Text ‘CONNECT’ to 855-11 to contact PRS CrisisLink. Call PRS CrisisLink at 703-527-4077.
NAMI PWC Family Support Group – Se habla Espanol. info@nami-pw.org. 703-659-9983. https://nami-pw.org/calendar/
SAME DAY ACCESS. Same Day Access Same Day Access (pwcva.gov). https://www.pwcva.gov/department/community-services/sda. 703-792-5241; 703-792-7800 Youth.