Utilities & Internet

www.commonhelp.virginia.gov – Energy Assistance Program
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/623
Home Internet connectivity. https://www.peopleinc.net/service/internet-connectivity-program/. 9324 West Street, Manassas, VA 20110. info@peopleinc.net
Virginia Department of Social Services. https://www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/ea/
New Creatures-In-Christ Ministries, Inc. – Provides utility assistance; emergency shelter at extended stay hotels; navigation services, application counseling and referrals for rent, mortgage and public benefits assistance; and food distribution. Schedule an appointment to determine eligibility at 571-408-9526 or 202-981-1470 or visit www.helpingothersthrivepwc.net or visit the office for in-person services at 4213 Dale Blvd., Dale City VA 22193.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Triangle – Provides utility assistance with water, heat, gas and electricity. To learn more, call 703-221-6344 or visit www.stfrncis.org/st-francis-house.
Woodbridge Workers Committee – Provides utility assistance to families and individuals impacted by COVID-19. To learn more, call or text Nancy at 703-969-0197 or email lyallna@comcast.net.
St. Thomas United Methodist Church – Provides financial assistance to Prince William County residents; a clothing closet with in-demand work clothes and diapers in support of employment and childcare access; and food distribution. Food pantry hours are from 9 - 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays, and Wednesdays from 5 - 7 p.m. starting May 25. The Clothing Closet is open the 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month during Food Pantry distribution. For financial assistance, call 703-368-5161 during business hours to make an appointment.