Basic Needs

Benefits. https://benefits.gov
Find Help – Social network. https://www.findhelp.org
211 Virginia. 2-1-1 Virginia (211virginia.org). https://www.211.org
Local Navigator. https://virginianavigator.org
NVFS. Chantey Handy - (571) 462-7205/(571 )447-1117, chandy@nvfs.org. https://www.nvfs.org/our-services/homelessness-housing/. 10056 Dean Dr., Manassas, VA 20110. (571) 748-2600. Emergency shelter, food, rental, energy, dental, pharmacy, and childhood development.
Action in Community Through Service (ACTS). https://www.actspwc.org/. 3900 ACTS Lane, Dumfries, VA 22026.
St. Vincent DePaul. All Saints Catholic Church. 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110. Phone: (703) 368-2429
Lion's Club. (703) 392-0077
The Manassas Bible Church. 8624 Phoenix Drive, Manassas Park, VA 20111. www.manassasparkbible.org. Pastor: Michael Rogers and Michelle Rogers. Emails: mpbchurchpastor@gmail.com and mpbchurchfirstlady@gmail.com. Contact Phone: (571) 263-3251. Christmas Gifts- PWC ADC (Good News) Branch of Love. Emergency Assistance: Food Pantry, Bill Payment Assistance (Gas, Rent, Electric), and Assistance with emergency shelter (references).
WIC & Women's Clinic. Phone: (703) 792-7319
Vital Records. 8470 Kao Circle. Manassas Park, VA 20110. Phone: (703) 792-7327. Fax: (703) 257-5138.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (Formally known as CSB)
Manassas. Phone: (703) 792-7800. Se habla espanol.
Woodbridge. (703) 792-4900. (703) 792-5099