2020 ACTION ALERT Support Traffic Relief! Support the Godwin Extension TODAY Email the Prince William Board of County Supervisors! Read the Op-Ed from the PWC Chair & Mayors of Manassas and Manassas Park Good Afternoon, Are you, like so many other residents tired of sitting in traffic along Route 28? If so, I have an urgent request! You NEED to make your voice heard on one of THE MOST important decisions involving traffic congestion relief in our Region! Contact the Prince William Board of County Supervisors by clicking the button above to let them know that you believe designating the Godwin Drive Extension as the preferred location for the Route 28 Corridor Improvements is the right way to solve the traffic congestion in Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. The Prince William Board of County Supervisors previously voted to widen Rt. 28 rather than approve the Godwin Drive Extension. We hope they will reconsider this vote at the September 8th Meeting. The Godwin Drive Extension is the Smart Choice for the Prince William Region. If the vote is not reconsidered at the September 8th Meeting, then we are delaying this project by at least another DECADE, impacting over 70+ businesses who will be forced to close down and their employees left unemployed and, it will COST AT LEAST $100 Million MORE to add two less lanes of traffic. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD, EMAIL THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS TODAY! Why We Support the Godwin Extension 1.) Greatest Benefit/Lowest Cost – The Godwin Drive extension will do the most to relieve congestion and improve travel times for people traveling on Route 28 in the long-term – and at the lowest costs to taxpayers. · Improves rush hour travel times including a 50% reduction in morning delays. · Reduces traffic in historic downtown Manassas by 7,700 vehicles per day. · Increases capacity and travel options to meet 2040 travel demands. · Improves intersection operation with 67% fewer intersections operating over capacity. · Multimodal improvements - Construction of a new bike/pedestrian path along Godwin Drive. · Fiscally responsible – Leverages $95 million in regional transportation dollars. · Public support - $200 million road bond overwhelmingly approved by Prince William County voters. 2.) Smallest Community Impacts – The Godwin Drive extension would produce the smallest total impact to local homes and businesses. · The beginning of a robust community conversation - Moving forward with Design on the location empowers Prince William County transportation staff to work with the community over the next two years to come up with the least disruptive design for the Godwin Extension. The end result will likely be fewer properties affected than in the initial Route 28 Feasibility Study. · Affected properties will negotiate a fair price – Properties that will be affected by the final design of the project – which will not be finalized for more than two years - will first receive a third-party assessment of the value of their property. This is the starting point for negotiations with the County in which both parties try to find agreement. The most common outcome is that both property owners and the County reach an agreement that they are both happy with. · Environmental work continues – After designating the locally preferred alignment, Prince William County will continue to move forward with the environmental process to obtain necessary federal, state and local environmental permits and approvals. The robust, two-year community design process will allow the community to help shape the design of the road to further reduce and mitigate environmental impacts. Prince William Chamber of Commerce | 9720 Capital Court, Suite 203, Manassas, VA 20110
Sent by Ross Snare