This FREE workshop is designed to empower adults living with chronic conditions, as well as their caregivers and family.
Do you or a loved one have a chronic condition such as but not limited to:
* diabetes * arthritis * pain *stroke
* asthma * cancer * heart disease *Depression
* fibromyalgia * previous trauma or injury *Parkinson’s
This Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop meets virtually, once a week for 6 sessions to help learn:
• To manage symptoms daily.
• To manage medication and evaluate treatment options.
• Tips for eating well and increasing activity.
• How to problem solve, make decisions and set weekly goals.
• To Communicate effectively with health professionals, family, and friends.
• Techniques to deal with difficult emotions, frustration, fatigue, isolation, pain and poor sleep as well as other problems and symptoms.
Place: In the location of your choice.
Dates: Wednesday from May 26th thru June 30th, 2021
6 classes, 1 per week for 6 weeks
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Session Zero, Monday, May 24th, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., to ensure that your smartphone, tablet, or computer will connect and function as needed for the workshop.
To register or for more information:
Call Jodie Houser, Program Coordinator at: 571-241-3925
Or email at: jhouser@pwcgov.org Space is limited
Click the link below for a PDF version of the flier: