Human services providers from all sectors will play a large role in determining the impact COVID-19 has across the Greater Prince William area. Prepare yourself and your organization to lead in and through this event.
For financial assistance from one of The Alliance's 26 nonprofit grant partners, please visit www.alliancegpw.org/disasterfund.
Below are resources to help you stay informed, prepared, and able to effectively communicate with your staff, volunteers, donors, program participants, neighbors, congregation and community. Don't see what you need? Let us know!
Stay Informed
World Health Organization’s COVID-19 advice for the public
Local Resources (including for businesses, residents, the unsheltered and homeless)
The Alliance's Forum for COVID-19 Program Updates from Service Providers
The National Council of Nonprofits resource page
Financial Issues
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved disaster loans for business and nonprofits impacted directly by COVID-19. Go directly to the federal webpage to begin the loan application. SBA Disaster Declaration for VA
Financial Leadership In The Face Of Impossible Choices. A wonderful resource with thoughts and options for planning your organization’s uncertain financial future.
Our sister organization Montana Nonprofit Association is sharing their cash flow planning template. Learn how to use this tool by watching the recorded webinar on the same page.
Resources for Families and Individuals
Applying for Cash, Food and Medical Assistance through Virginia DSS
Food Helpline (call to be connected with food resources in Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park)
Prince William Area Food Resource Guide (interactive resource listing with map feature to help identify resources by location)
Capital Area Food Bank's Food Distribution Sites
Rent Assistance through People Inc.
Financial Assistance for Basic Needs Through Northern Virginia Family Service
Coronavirus Resources For the Immigrant Community from the Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Legal Resources (Student loans, tenant's rights and more) from Legal Services of Northern Virginia
COVID-19 Parent Guide for School-Aged Children from Virginia Department of Education
VA Supreme Court Halts Evictions
Virginia Department of Education's Approved Meal Service Sites
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource from the National Association of School Psychologists
VCU Autism Center for Excellence's Resources for Individuals with ASD and Their Family Members During COVID-19
Emergency Assistance for LGBTQ Southerners from Campaign for Southern Equality
Wellness At Home Resources (nutrition tips and social-emotional and physical activities for children and adults) from MUSC
Back To School Amid COVID-19 (a guide from Coverage for parents deciding between virtual and in-person learning with tips on keeping kids safe and thriving in any environment)
Guide to Coronavirus for Cancer Patients from The Mesothelioma Center
COVID-19 Resources in Korean, Vietnamese and English from NAKASEC VA
Working from Home
We always encourage all of our human services providers and nonprofit professionals to invest in self-care, but especially now.
Some good leadership and management guidance for remote work during the coronavirus crisis.
Virtual meeting resources:
Google and Microsoft are offering their conferencing tools free-of-charge.
GoToMeeting is also offering their remote work tools free for three months.
Zoom has a free option. The Alliance uses Zoom consistently.
Faith-Based Organizations
COVID-19 Church Resources
Resources for Congregations and Members
Guidance for Mosques, Madrasas and Umrah Pilgrims
Guidance from Congregation Ner Shalom
Board Governance
Community Foundation of Northern Virginia sets up COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund
Community Response Grants for organizations working with LGBTQ Southerners
COVID 19 Fundraising Tool Kit - cancelling and taking events virtual
South Carolina Secretary of State encourages wise giving during COVID-19
Volunteer Needs
Volunteer Prince William has volunteer needs specific to COVID-19 and general volunteer opportunities
HR Resources
Nonprofit HR Information Portal (resources for hours, wages, HIPPAA, ADA and more)
Posters that encourage staying home when sick, cough and sneeze etiquette, and hand hygiene
Employer's Quick Guide to managing employees who've come into contact with COVID-19
Plans, Policies + Procedures
CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease- creating an infectious disease outbreak response plan
Does your organization have a Disaster Response Plan, in general? Our friends at Nonprofit New York have an excellent guide.
Stig Rasmussen at Fact Forward has shared their Response Plan
Nonprofit Risk Management Center - COVID-19: 5 Things to Know & Do
Coronavirus: What You Need to Know About Cancelling an Event and Liability Risks, Event
The World Health Organization offers key planning recommendations for mass gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak
CDC guidance for conducting a risk assessment of potential exposure
Nonprofit Insurance and COVID-19, NY Council of Nonprofits
Wellness Resources in Various Languages
How to Wash Your Hands Tutorials from Minnesota Department of Health
What is Coronavirus and How to Stop the Spread from Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska
Symptoms/Exposure Response from Refugee Response
COVID-19 Relief & Economic Stimulus Package (Issued March 18)
Campaign Urges Congress to Include Emergency Assistance Fund in Coronavirus Response (Issued March 12)
Nonprofits and Coronavirus (Posted March 12): Guidance from the National Council of Nonprofits on what coronavirus means for nonprofits and what steps should be taken.
Why Nonprofits Must Be Included in a COVID-19 Relief and Economic Stimulus Package (Posted March 12)